About Me

Hi! I’m Rutger, a 31-year old 3D designer for games, animation and visualisation.

For most of my life I’ve been interested in computers and making them do what I want. This eventually turned into moving around polygons to create funny looking images. I’ve been lucky to say that I was able to make a career out of these experiments and when I finished my studies at the Utrecht School of the Arts got a job as a toy designer/engineer for UNGA.

After 4 fun years it was time for a new challenge at Pixifox Animation, where I was responsible for all environment modeling. Unfortunately this was short lived as the pandemic caused the business to shut down. Quickly I found new employment at Virtual Builders, where I could use my knowledge of game engines (Unreal Engine in this case) to help build VR experiences for architectural projects. Next to that I also got to do visualisations for promotional material of those projects.

When Little Chicken Game Company approached me, I didn’t hesitate to seize the opportunity to work on several different titles, fulfilling my long-held dream of working in games. First only as a 3D modeler for cars, but in due course I expanded my responsibilities to shaders implementation in Unity, streamlining project pipelines and supervising interns.

Next to my full-time employment I’ve always worked on freelance assignments or personal projects to further my growth as an artist and to develop skills in various software packages. Besides work, freelance and personal projects I also thoroughly enjoy sports (crossfit/lifting), traveling, hiking, music (listening and playing) and reading. In short, I never have nothing to do!


Sr. 3D Artist
September 2021 - Present


+ Modeling, sculpting and texturing props and environments based on concept art made by the concept team.

+ Designing and brainstorming new assets when there was no concept art to work from yet.

+ Working together with the Dev team to integrate and optimize the workflows from 3D asset to in-game implementation.

+ Deliver quick conceptual models and blockouts to communicate ideas and assist Art Directors in making design choices.

+ Together with the VFX artists work on shaders and customization options to be implemented in the game.

+ Assess, interview and supervise interns together with the Lead 3D artist.

+ Manage project pipeline and streamline inefficient workflows.

Freelance 3D Artist
December 2016 – Present

Next to my full time job I’ve worked on a variety of projects ranging from 3D visualizations to VR experiences and 3D asset modeling.

Lead 3D Artist
September 2020 – Augustus 2021


+ Converting technical 3D files to workable and optimised models for visualisation and VR purposes

+ Setdressing and lighting environments and interiors to be rendered for client briefs and visualisations.

+ Streamlining VR and visualisation pipeline across multiple software packages (UE4, UE5, Blender, Maya, 3DsMax).

3D Set & Props Modeler
November 2019 – August 2020


+ Sculpting, modeling and texturing environments and props based on concept art.

+ Streamlining feedback process with concept artists and art director to deliver high-quality content.

+ Communicate effectively with all departments and share resources with Concept Design, Rigging and Animation teams to achieve the desired results.

+ Deliver quick environment blockouts for animators to use in tests.

+ Feedback the pipeline and work together with Tech Art department to set up an efficient pipeline.

+ Research new or adapt existing ways of tackling technical and artistic barriers.

+ Communicate progress and progression to ensure all deadlines are met.

3D Designer
January 2018 – October 2019

Junior 3D Designer
January 2016 – December 2017

Together with a team of creative artists and product designers I was responsible for creating toys and merchandise for some of the biggest names in the retail industry worldwide (LIDL, Woolworths, Checkers), whilst working with licenses from the likes of Disney, Warner Brothers and Marvel. https://un.ga/client-cases/


+ Creating new merchandise and toys from existing licenses.

+ Prototyping (paper/3D printing) concepts and preparing samples for pitches.

+ Communicating and working with top entertainment brands to ensure all designs were approved.

+ Communicating and solving production limitations together with overseas production team.

+ Designing creative solutions to technical limitations in the production process.

+ Getting the most out of projects with a tight budget and similarly tight deadlines.

Co-Founder, 3D-Artist & Animator
September 2014 – June 2016


+ Modeling, texturing and animating sets and props

+Bridging the gap between 2D artists and programmers on a technical level

+ Research and develop ways to integrate new gameplay elements

+ Marketing and promotional writing

Visual Art Trainee (Summer Job)
July 2014 – August 2014

Worked on Horizon: Zero Dawn (TBA) and Killzone: ShadowFall (2013)

Visual Art Intern
February 2014 – July 2014

Worked on Horizon: Zero Dawn (TBA) and Killzone: Shadow Fall (2013)

Master’s degree – MACDDC (Master of Creative Design for Digital Cultures), Game Art · (2014 – 2015)
Utrecht School of the Arts

Bachelor of Arts (BA) with Honours, Game Art · (2011 – 2015)

VWO (pre-university education) · (2008 – 2011)